Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Friends For Sale (Facebook Social Game)

Buy people and make them your pets! You can make your pets poke, send gifts, or just show off for you. Make money as a shrewd pet investor or as a hot commodity! Friends for Sale is the bees knees!

You can also contact a moderator for help by clicking the “Help” button at the top of the page.

Q: How can I make myself worth more money?
A: Every time someone buys you as a pet your value increases, earning you more money in the “Value” category. The more people buy you, the higher your value!

Q: How do I earn cash on Friends For Sale?
A: When you buy a pet and then later sell that pet you make a profit. When you buy a pet their value increases. When you sell them, the sale price is their increased value. The more pets you buy and sell the more money you make. Simple! You can also earn money by clicking on Bonus Money at the top of your profile and exploring the offers and bonus shopping options.

Q: A total stranger just bought me. What do I do?
A: You should feel honored when someone buys you! When people buy you, your value goes up and when you buy people and then sell them you make money, too. The more you play, the more money you make!

Q: But what if I only want my friends to buy me?
A: If you set your Facebook privacy settings in the Search category to "Friends Only," this will make you appear as a “?” question mark to players who are not your friend.

Q: Can I customize my Friends For Sale profile?
A: If you click on your username you will be taken to your Friends For Sale profile. In the About Me section there is a link “edit description” that allows you to say a little some-thing about yourself or even add some “flare” to your profile.